hsmith67's latest activity

  • H
    Patient has 37.4 BMI and presents for bariatric surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy approved by Medicare replacement plan. Patient goes through the nutrition counseling, psych eval, etc. and proceeds to drop BMI to 33.5 just before surgery. BMI is now...
  • H
    hsmith67 replied to the thread Wiki 78,80 modifier usage.
    Thanks so much for the feedback!
  • H
    hsmith67 replied to the thread Wiki 78,80 modifier usage.
    The previous was a 90 day global and the surgery was done within the global. 78 was applied to both primary and assistant surgeon claims. Patient has Medicare replacement so I think you are correct - it is payer specific not wanting 78 on the...
  • H
    Patient had surgery by Dr. X. Dr. X was in a practice with several general surgeons and left the practice during global period. Dr. Y was consulted on a Dr. X patient with post op pain, CT showed free air and intussusception. Dr. Y took patient...
  • H
    I'm pretty sure I know the answer - just looking for confirmation. 19083 is percutaneous breast bx with UTS guidance. As UTS guidance is in the definition the reimbursement for UTS technical and professional components are included, correct? In...
  • H
    Has anyone billed this new code for BAHA? Are payers paying (commercial and CMS) you? Does anyone have guidance on documentation requirements - specifically regarding time documentation?
  • H
    Does anyone know which payers (other than Medicare) accept Q6 modifier and which do not in Florida? I'm researching myself now but any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Hunter Smith,CPC