Recent content by KatieV7

  1. K

    Wiki ER w/ Fracture Care

    If records justify both than you'll just need to appeal.
  2. K

    Wiki Q4010

    Honestly, nothing special. Just that it shouldn't apply to global because it's a supply, not a procedure. And that they have always paid it in the past. I didn't spend too much time on it just wanted to give it a try to see what would happen. I didn't even add any proof or attachments of any...
  3. K

    Wiki Q4010

    Nothing yet. I finally have a provider rep looking into it for me though. She has been really helpful and seems to really want to get to the bottom of it. Its starting to sound like there must have been some sort of change to the rule as it is affecting so many different payers nation wide. I...
  4. K

    Wiki Q4010

    So far all of our affected claims are 2024. I had another new one this AM, Humana Military. I've spent my entire morning searching newsletters, bulletins, claim issue alerts, & fracture care policies for many diff payers and still cant find anything, anywhere. I've left messages with provider...
  5. K

    Wiki Q4010

    Meridian is our main issue, but like I said, its been multiple (a few random). I tried to tell Meridian that it has to be an internal system error but they couldn't tell me that it is or direct me to where I would find that info. They told me I just have to appeal them all. Do you happen to know...
  6. K

    Wiki Q4010

    So frustrating! Now I know I'm not alone, thanks. I'll let you know if I figure anything out.
  7. K

    Wiki Q4010

    I work for orthopedic hand specialists and we have been billing Q4010 for our cast supplies for as long as I can remember and have never had any issues. All of a sudden (seems like around the first of the year) it is denying by multiple payers saying it's part of the surgical package or bundled...
  8. K

    Wiki Anatomical Modifiers for supplies?

    I have an insurance company (Priority Health) that has started denying my "Q" codes (Q4010, Q4006...) for missing anatomical modifier. Is anyone else having this issue? If I apply one, my clearing house denies the claim because of the invalid modifier combination and wont send the claim out but...
  9. K

    Wiki Hand Surgeries

    I work for four hand specialists. We get a lot of help from subscribing to Karen Zupko & Associates. You can subscribe for free and they also do a lot of webinars that may be helpful that your employer should pay for. You can also submit specific questions and get a professionals response...
  10. K

    Wiki Active Labor

    We are a SMALL outpatient hospital with no OB. I've been here for three years and this has never happened... Pt came into ER and the physician documented active labor. The pt was transferred to another hospital before delivery. I'm having a hard time finding a dx code for active labor, how would...
  11. K

    Wiki Emergancy Intubation

    A child was in our ER with respiratory failure and the Dr. attempted to intubate twice with no success. They called in a second Dr. that attempted twice as well but still no tube placement. Can I charge for intubation? Do I code all attempts for both doctors? What modifiers do I need if so, 77...
  12. K

    Wiki Nasal reduction

    One of my ER providers documented that he reduced a nasal bone fracture, he did not use forceps or anything. Can I use 21315 with modifier 52??
  13. K

    Wiki polypharmacy abuse

    Is there a way to code polypharmacy abuse without knowing the exact drugs used? It is a secondary code to suicidal ideation.