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  1. K

    Wiki billing 20610 and 76881 when there is no "permanent record" documented for 20611

    Did they actually perform complete Ultrasound study or was this just for the injection?
  2. K

    Wiki labs data qualifications

    So based on 3/9 ama revision for 2021 e/m guidelines, if my Rheumo MD orders a series of labs to determine correct dx code (cmp, cbc, essays, etc) & we bill for the lab. then i can count either as order in data section since there is no professional component. Also or count towards MDM for lab...
  3. K

    Wiki **New: AMA Provides Clarifications to 2021 Guidelines**

    So if my rheumo md orders 6 different labs & we bill for the labs (cbc, cmp, rra essay, etc) then they still get credit for the order in the data section, based on 3/9 revision, correct?