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  1. C

    Wiki Q4236/15275 help please

    There was no waste. But Anthem didn't approve of us using the modifiers.
  2. C

    Wiki Q4236/15275 help please

    We originally billed Q4236 with the JZ modifier, but the rep told us that if that denied, which it did, that we needed to remove that. Anthem denied the Q4236 stating that the JZ was an inappropriate modifier for the service. Also we are billing with DX L97.522 (non pressure chronic ulcer of...
  3. C

    Wiki Q4236/15275 help please

    Hello. We are new to billing Q4236 and are being told by the supplier that we are fine to bill this with the application of the skin graft 15275. Anthem is bundling the code though and I am curious if anyone has seen this. If so, what modifier are you using or is this correct and we should...