Search results

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    Wiki Seeking ECW temp Mentor for billing

    Hi, I'm a new employee and I've used ECW before, but in a limited capacity. So I can search/see claims and navigate easily and using ECW support/university to train myself further. I'm looking for an ECW expert that I can call/video chat with if I run into issues. We will be moving to a...
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    Wiki Q4204 skin graft UHC denials

    Hi, wondering how everyone else is working the denials for Q4204 skin grafts for experimental/investigational for home health visits when billing UHC. We've been doing medical necessity letters and records to reconsider, but wondering if there is a way to get these paid without the denial...
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    Wiki Z96.1 w/ H59.811

    is this correct ? our 2023 ICD10 books clearly states that Z96.1 is excludes 1 to H59.811 and should not be billed together, but our administrator is using some other resource and is pulling some kind of exception rule that is not stated in ICD10 texts. Any advice or comments are appreciated :)
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    Wiki ECW EClinical Works - reversing voided claim

    Asking on behalf of someone else as I do not use this EHR. They are not hard closed. A claim was voided in e-clinical works and they are unable to reverse as the void was in error? I would think from an accounting standpoint in a non-hard closed month there should be a function to ‘credit‘ or...
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    Wiki Writing off timely filing limitations to bad debt - is it illegal or will be rejected?

    Hi, We are and have been writing off timely filing limitation denials to bad debt. I know we cannot commingle the contractual obligations/contractual adjustments with bad debt (collections, etc) or it will be rejected as a mixed debt and contractual amounts. Can you write off timely filing...
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    Wiki XP and XE Modifiers - bill on each encounter? - Mental health

    Hi, I am unclear if we should be using XE and XP ( on each code for each encounter that qualifies. ) For example: Patient comes in and has all these services same day, one service by a different provider: T1017 1 unit 15 min - Case Manager A 90834 therapy session - Therapist B T1017 3 units...
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    Wiki Billing Medicaid as Secondary - cant get primary through clearing house

    Hi, How do we get the primary non-contracted insurer to get past the clearing house in order to have a denial/EOB to provide the secondary Medicaid for claims to payout? Thx! Taylor