Wiki Intrauterine Fetal Demise - Help!


Spring, TX
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I'm stumped on how to code this correctly. I was originally thinking 59821 with O02.1, O42.92, Z3A.19... but 59821 includes D&C and that didn't happen. And after researching and looking at ACOG's resources and reading through different threads on here, I'm now thinking it's the E/M with 59414.

Patient presented via helicopter secondary to fetal demise. Patient positive for methamphetamine. No prenatal care. US obtained in the ER placed the infant at approx 19 weeks. Nonviable fetus delivered with placenta after 1 dose of Cytotec.

Any help is appreciated!
hello, I am not an expert and still learning. i will put my rational but please wait for the expert's response (they are here luckily :)). From what I have learned from this forum, if it was a surgical D&C, then 59821 but it was not. I think it was induced delivery by Cytotec, then there is a rule ( also posted in this fabulous OBGYN forum) if pt is 20w and up, then code the Delivery with demised fetus. IF less than 20w, code E&M only. There is another rule, if induced by Vaginal suppositories regardless of gestation, then 59855-59856. Now let's wait for the correct answer. :)
I'm now thinking it's the E/M with 59414.
This is correct. You wouldn't code 59821 because there was no surgery. Also there is a note in CPT not to use weeks of gestation with codes in section O00-O08
hello, I am not an expert and still learning. i will put my rational but please wait for the expert's response (they are here luckily :)). From what I have learned from this forum, if it was a surgical D&C, then 59821 but it was not. I think it was induced delivery by Cytotec, then there is a rule ( also posted in this fabulous OBGYN forum) if pt is 20w and up, then code the Delivery with demised fetus. IF less than 20w, code E&M only. There is another rule, if induced by Vaginal suppositories regardless of gestation, then 59855-59856. Now let's wait for the correct answer. :)
The induced abortion codes are for terminating a pregnancy with a living fetus.
This is correct. You wouldn't code 59821 because there was no surgery. Also there is a note in CPT not to use weeks of gestation with codes in section O00-O08

The induced abortion codes are for terminating a pregnancy with a living fetus.
Thank you for your help!
ok, now I have a question please and Thank you Very Much for this article!! My question: why do we need to bill for delivery of placenta 59414? This article gives us 2 options for induced abortion before 20w: E/M only and second option E/M +59414. Could anyone bring those 2 different scenarios? I think there is always placenta coming after product of conception. In what case we would bill only E/M and in what case we would bill E/M and placenta? I am puzzled... Thank you so much for your help in advance.
E/M CodeSpontaneous/Other Medical Abortion before 20 weeks
E/M Code + 59414Spontaneous + delivery of placenta before 20 weeks
ok, now I have a question please and Thank you Very Much for this article!! My question: why do we need to bill for delivery of placenta 59414? This article gives us 2 options for induced abortion before 20w: E/M only and second option E/M +59414. Could anyone bring those 2 different scenarios? I think there is always placenta coming after product of conception. In what case we would bill only E/M and in what case we would bill E/M and placenta? I am puzzled... Thank you so much for your help in advance.
E/M CodeSpontaneous/Other Medical Abortion before 20 weeks
E/M Code + 59414Spontaneous + delivery of placenta before 20 weeks
I personally have not encountered a scenario to only code the E/M. The doctor stated in the op note that he delivered the placenta.
ok, now I have a question please and Thank you Very Much for this article!! My question: why do we need to bill for delivery of placenta 59414? This article gives us 2 options for induced abortion before 20w: E/M only and second option E/M +59414. Could anyone bring those 2 different scenarios? I think there is always placenta coming after product of conception. In what case we would bill only E/M and in what case we would bill E/M and placenta? I am puzzled... Thank you so much for your help in advance.
E/M CodeSpontaneous/Other Medical Abortion before 20 weeks
E/M Code + 59414Spontaneous + delivery of placenta before 20 weeks
This recommendation would come directly from the ACOG Coding Committee made up of ob/gyn physicians, not a coder (having worked at ACOG for 12 years as the manager of their coding department). The rationale would be (and has always been) based on the work involved. These are set as possible coding option/scenarios for a medical abortion. If the physician adequately describes work involved in delivering the placenta, then by all means code for it. If the placenta simply is expelled by the patient with a push, not physician work would be reportable. Documentation makes or breaks the possibility of payment.
This recommendation would come directly from the ACOG Coding Committee made up of ob/gyn physicians, not a coder (having worked at ACOG for 12 years as the manager of their coding department). The rationale would be (and has always been) based on the work involved. These are set as possible coding option/scenarios for a medical abortion. If the physician adequately describes work involved in delivering the placenta, then by all means code for it. If the placenta simply is expelled by the patient with a push, not physician work would be reportable. Documentation makes or breaks the possibility of payment.
First thank you for explaining above. I have something like but little more complicated case that I'm stuck on and need help.

Our patient at 19 weeks pregnant, known fetal demise for several days. Came into the ED by ambulance with bleeding. The ED provider delivered the fetus and clamped the cord. Our provider was enroute to ED. Upon arrive in the ED transported the patient to L&D for further care of the Placenta left insitu. Also, with known retained IUD.

The provider did H&P 1/6 in plan stated the following:
Incomplete AB on admission
Fetus delivered without issue or complication in ED.
Placenta insitu administered 800mcg misoprostol vaginally.
Given concern for infection given foul odor triple antibiotics initiated.
Labs collected.
Ultrasound ordered.
Continue active management for placenta delivery.
Continue to monitor for change in condition.

The placenta was delivered on 1/6/ vaginally. After the delivery no IUD noted during the delivery. Ultrasound and X-ray was ordered. No IUD was seen on the on ultrasound, however on the Xray IUD was seen and STAT CT ordered for localization of IUD.

CT scan reviewed. IUD has perforated the uterus and is in the abdomen. Patient has been counseled and consented to laparoscopic IUD retrieval and any other indicated procedure. Patient is aware of the potential for more invasive surgery if the IUD has perforated/damaged surrounding organs or structures. Is aware of the potential surgical risks that include but are not limited to infection, bleeding, damage to internal organs and structures. patient is aware of the potential for hysterectomy, bowel resection, or larger abdominal incision. Patient is aware that we are unaware at this time to the extent which the IUD has damaged internal organs and structures and we will be unable to determine the extent of surgery until the surgery has commenced. Demonstrates understanding. Given predelivery anemia patient will be transfused 2 units of packed red blood. She has been consented and has agreed to blood transfusion.

On 1/7 Laparoscopic removal of IUD was performed.
A general abdominal survey was noted to be normal.
Uterus was noted to be significantly enlarged and boggy likely secondary to recent delivery.
the uterus was difficult to manipulate secondary to its bogginess, size, and lack of uterine manipulator (secondary to recent delivery).
Although it was difficult to clearly visualize the posterior lower uterine segment there did appear to be a small area <2mm of perforation that was hemostatic. Due to the hemostatic nature this area was left alone for healing by secondary intention.
Attention was then paid to abdominal inspection for lost IUD. Bowel and omentum were manipulated using the suction irrigator and a bowel grasper gently sweeping and manipulating the bowel without direct grasping. During inspection a portion of the IUD string was visualized. The string was grasped, and it appeared that the IUD was present in an area of omentum. Using gentle traction and manipulation the IUD was removed from the omentum without evidence of bleeding or injury to omentum or bowel.
IUD was removed through the trocar without difficulty.
The abdomen was copiously irrigated and suctioned with a liter of fluid.
The omentum where IUD was removed appeared hemostatic.
Uterus and area of the lower uterine segment appeared hemostatic.
Instruments were removed.

1/8/24 Patient was discharged from the hospital by different provider of our practice.

With my understanding of your response, I could code this case as the following:

1/6 99222-25 along with 59414
1/7 Laparoscopy removal of IUD i would code 49329 Unlisted Laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum and omentum. Would it be correct to compare to 58562.
1/8 My question for this date of service could I code for the discharge as well? 99238 since time was not documented?
First thank you for explaining above. I have something like but little more complicated case that I'm stuck on and need help.

Our patient at 19 weeks pregnant, known fetal demise for several days. Came into the ED by ambulance with bleeding. The ED provider delivered the fetus and clamped the cord. Our provider was enroute to ED. Upon arrive in the ED transported the patient to L&D for further care of the Placenta left insitu. Also, with known retained IUD.

The provider did H&P 1/6 in plan stated the following:
Incomplete AB on admission
Fetus delivered without issue or complication in ED.
Placenta insitu administered 800mcg misoprostol vaginally.
Given concern for infection given foul odor triple antibiotics initiated.
Labs collected.
Ultrasound ordered.
Continue active management for placenta delivery.
Continue to monitor for change in condition.

The placenta was delivered on 1/6/ vaginally. After the delivery no IUD noted during the delivery. Ultrasound and X-ray was ordered. No IUD was seen on the on ultrasound, however on the Xray IUD was seen and STAT CT ordered for localization of IUD.

CT scan reviewed. IUD has perforated the uterus and is in the abdomen. Patient has been counseled and consented to laparoscopic IUD retrieval and any other indicated procedure. Patient is aware of the potential for more invasive surgery if the IUD has perforated/damaged surrounding organs or structures. Is aware of the potential surgical risks that include but are not limited to infection, bleeding, damage to internal organs and structures. patient is aware of the potential for hysterectomy, bowel resection, or larger abdominal incision. Patient is aware that we are unaware at this time to the extent which the IUD has damaged internal organs and structures and we will be unable to determine the extent of surgery until the surgery has commenced. Demonstrates understanding. Given predelivery anemia patient will be transfused 2 units of packed red blood. She has been consented and has agreed to blood transfusion.

On 1/7 Laparoscopic removal of IUD was performed.
A general abdominal survey was noted to be normal.
Uterus was noted to be significantly enlarged and boggy likely secondary to recent delivery.
the uterus was difficult to manipulate secondary to its bogginess, size, and lack of uterine manipulator (secondary to recent delivery).
Although it was difficult to clearly visualize the posterior lower uterine segment there did appear to be a small area <2mm of perforation that was hemostatic. Due to the hemostatic nature this area was left alone for healing by secondary intention.
Attention was then paid to abdominal inspection for lost IUD. Bowel and omentum were manipulated using the suction irrigator and a bowel grasper gently sweeping and manipulating the bowel without direct grasping. During inspection a portion of the IUD string was visualized. The string was grasped, and it appeared that the IUD was present in an area of omentum. Using gentle traction and manipulation the IUD was removed from the omentum without evidence of bleeding or injury to omentum or bowel.
IUD was removed through the trocar without difficulty.
The abdomen was copiously irrigated and suctioned with a liter of fluid.
The omentum where IUD was removed appeared hemostatic.
Uterus and area of the lower uterine segment appeared hemostatic.
Instruments were removed.

1/8/24 Patient was discharged from the hospital by different provider of our practice.

With my understanding of your response, I could code this case as the following:

1/6 99222-25 along with 59414
1/7 Laparoscopy removal of IUD i would code 49329 Unlisted Laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum and omentum. Would it be correct to compare to 58562.
1/8 My question for this date of service could I code for the discharge as well? 99238 since time was not documented?
Yes to 1/6 coding, but for 1/7 your comparison code will be 49402 as this was the removal of a foreign body from the peritoneal cavity except done laparoscopically. You may not bill for discharge as you have now charged for a laparoscopic procedure that at a minimum would carry a 10 day global period. Even though Medicare indicates a YYY under global days it means that the payer will assign the number of days based on the documentation - in this case as 49320 (diagnostic laparoscopy) carries 10 global days, this number will likely be applied for the IUD removal as well. This means that all care related to follow-up for the surgery after 1/7 for up to 10 days will be included in the payment. You have indicated that the provider who did the discharge is a member of the same practice as the one who did the surgery.
i just want to confirm for a scenario i have. patient was 18 weeks pregnant, had dilated cervix and srom, we delivered non viable fetus. This would be e/m with delivery of placenta right. by definition in the acog article it says a missed abortion is fetus without heartbeat but if i charged out treatment of missed abortion 59821 we didn't do anything by suction curretage. also in optums obgyn coding companion it says the fetus remains in the uterus 4 to 8 weeks following death. so then if i treat it as spontaneous i think i saw that mean's cervix was dilated which it was and then that would be e/m with delivery of placenta. She was in labor..... so I'm going to say this is the closest way to charge out
please let me know of your thoughts thanks!
i just want to confirm for a scenario i have. patient was 18 weeks pregnant, had dilated cervix and srom, we delivered non viable fetus. This would be e/m with delivery of placenta right. by definition in the acog article it says a missed abortion is fetus without heartbeat but if i charged out treatment of missed abortion 59821 we didn't do anything by suction curretage. also in optums obgyn coding companion it says the fetus remains in the uterus 4 to 8 weeks following death. so then if i treat it as spontaneous i think i saw that mean's cervix was dilated which it was and then that would be e/m with delivery of placenta. She was in labor..... so I'm going to say this is the closest way to charge out
please let me know of your thoughts thanks!
It is still a missed abortion as far as the diagnosis goes. You would code your e+m and any delivery of placenta if documentation supports.