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  • Question - I am new to the RHC. I have reviewed all the site I can. I have a question about the EOB and the whold. Do you know where I can find more information. or a - amount on the eob?
    We perform provider-based billing. A nurse is only seeing the patients so when the nurse performs a procedure only (unna boot, debridement, etc.) do we only report the procedure itself, not the procedure and an E/M? But if no procedure is performed would we only bill g0463 for Medicare and 99211 for commercial no matter how long she was with the patient (10 or 40 minutes)?
    I am new to urology coding and cannot figure out how to code the new J9030 update for BCG treatment. Our providers administer one vial (50mg); when billing J9030, we are being reimbursed $0.54 on the claim. Any help on this?
    Hi- not sure if you heard anything back but when you bill for drugs, you always follow the HCPCS book. HCPCS list J9030 as BCG 1 mg. Since the HCPCS is listed as 1 mg, and you are billing 50 mg, your units will be 50.
    You seem to know a lot about Annual Wellness visits. I have a quick question, maybe you could help. If a patient comes in for an annual wellness visit, is seen, but leaves before the provider can complete of a plan of care for the diagnoses, is there anything the provider can bill since she spent time with the patient?
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