Wiki Cpt 33217


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
New to pacemaker coding: My question is over CPT 33217, is this inclusive to CPT 33208.
Or for the procedure listed, is my coding correct. (FYI first time patient ever had the procedure done)


1) DDD pacemaker placmenet
2) Atrail Ventriclular lead placement
3) Intraoperative lead testing
4) Flurosocopy of the leads

Insertion or replacement of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrode(s); atrial and ventricular
Insertion of 2 transvenous electrodes, permanent pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator
Insertion pacemaker, fluoroscopy and radiography, radiological supervision and interpretation
You should only need the 33208 and the 71090. The 33208 covers the placement of a new pacemaker with leads, generator and testing. It is all covered by this one code
Insertion of 2 transvenous electrodes, permanent pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator

Can you give me a little background on this code (CPT 33217), when and why would you use this code on the same day as CPT 33208.

33217 is for insertion of electrodes to a already placed generator. For instance if the generator is okay and still working properly but both of the leads are bad or not functioning they would go in and insert 2 new leads and leave the generator in place. The same could be said for code 33216 only it is for 1 lead instead of 2.

Code 33215 is if they go in and reposition the lead but no don't remove it. 33217 is just insert of 2 new leads only. Generator remains the same and doesn't get removed.
Hope this helps.